Today, I want to share a great app for helping select paint colors with you. It's the Sherwin Williams ColorSnap Visualizer and I use it often! There are several really good paint color apps for your smartphones or electronic devices, but this one's my favorite. You can match a photo, explore paint colors, and scan a paint color number. Typically, when I'm inspired by a color, I'll snap a photo … [Read more...]
Black Painted Bamboo Table
Last Spring, when a friend gave me a natural bamboo coffee table that she no longer wanted, I thought I might paint it and sell it. I loved the look, but didn't think I really needed a coffee table; however, after I painted it, I was sure I did (hoarder's logic and the reason why I'm currently reading The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up-otherwise known as Throw It ALL Out). Did I mention our … [Read more...]
Bentwood Kitchen Chairs Makeover for Dwell With Dignity Atlanta- Part 1
Last Spring, an amazing Dallas, Texas based non-profit organization called Dwell With Dignity chose Atlanta for one of their new design installations/locations. You can read more about it here. While I had a little more time with my design and painting business to help with the one last Spring, I had a few more things I was doing this time around, and couldn't volunteer that much downtown, … [Read more...]
The Family Room: New Black Painted & Styled Bookcases
Hi, Friends! I was about to wish y'all a Happy Monday, but it's already Tuesday. Hope you all had a fun and relaxing Labor Day weekend. We enjoyed having our oldest son home from college from Friday until late Monday. His girlfriend was home from college, as well, and our family mostly enjoyed hanging out at home, eating good meals, taking the Weimies to play at the lake, and then finishing our … [Read more...]