Hi, friends! Long time, no blog. I know, my apologies... Life has this way of keeping us sometimes busier than we'd planned! Our youngest is graduating from high school in a few weeks and this year has been a whirlwind with that plus our 2 puppies! More on that in a later post.... Today, I'm taking you to Ball Ground, Georgia, a sweet little town in Cherokee County with a population of about … [Read more...]
One Room Challenge Week 6- The Final Reveal!
Here we are- Week 6 of the One Room Challenge! It has been a fun, nerve racking month and a half and I must admit, I'm glad it's almost over. ( so is my family :) ) But...I needed the accountability of posting each week with updates in order to get this space in our home complete. Feels SO good! If you are just visiting, you can see the befores and my overall vision for the project in Week 1's … [Read more...]